Farewell, Zenvia

Well, after 8 months working here at Zenvia, I’m leaving my current position for the constant search of new challenges and knowledge, this time at Codeminer42.

Maybe it seems like a short amount of time to understand how a company works, and it’s in fact. But, in these 8 months, I’ve learned more than I have learned in my whole life as a software developer.

I remember quite well when I’ve arrived here at Zenvia:

Scared as hell, afraid of not reaching the expected technical level required to work in VAS (Value Added Service) and all the other demons that fly around a developer’s head when moving to a new company. And, in fact, the whole VAS architecture is huge, and a lot of patterns must be followed in order to keep everything running well. And, the majority of these patters were not familiar to me.

However, even as I was being thrown in this sea of new technologies and methodologies, I found people who were open to help me and guide me through this ecosystem. And more: they’ve taught me how to develop with quality and focusing not only in release speed, but mainly in quality.

I remember that, when I started here, my knowledge in automated tests were basic, specially because I’ve come from companies where automated tests were so basic or even inexistent. Now, after 8 months of Zenvia, I’m much more critic about the quality of the artefact I’m releasing.

A code without tests is like hydrogen: everything seems to be OK right now, but a single miss step and everything explodes.

It’s kind of funny to think that, 8 months ago, I was afraid of writing automated tests, and now I’m doing TDD, which basically is write your tests before any code :P

Here at Zenvia, I found more than a tech company, with a huge amount of data processed everyday. I found a family, a place where nobody is just an ordinary employee, but first of all, a friend, someone who you can trust deeply, who you care for like a family member and who you’re happy to hang out with on weekends or drink a beer after office hours.

The company is responsible, in a great part, for this awesome environment, by understanding that the employee’s happiness is directly proportional to its productivity.

A happy employee is an efficient employee

To finish this post, a company is formed by people, and these people have the power to create an environment that welcome every new member and make him feel comfortable and enjoy working there, as I did.

So, I thank every single person in Zenvia for this awesome experience, and leave the company with the complete feel that this was the best company I’ve ever worked so far.

Some guys deserve a special thank you:

  • Rafael Garbin, for teaching me the importance of creating clean and reliable code, always focusing in quality;
  • Thiago Ghilardi, for being the best team leader (and now manager) I ever had;
  • Tiago Oliveira, for being one of the best software engineers I’ve ever worked with. Thanks for being such an inspiration in my career;

Life goes on and I’m anxious to meet my new coworkers at Codeminer42, expecting to have an awesome experience, like the one I had here at Zenvia.

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